Archive for Record Collecting Event

Ontario’s Largest 78 RPM And 45 RPM Record Sale-Saturday, May 16th, 2015

Posted in General Announcements, The Collector's Hunt for 78's, Upcoming Phonograph and Record Shows with tags , on March 11, 2015 by the78rpmrecordspins

Some of you may recall that I buy and sell 78 rpm records as a hobby. In 2014, I held 3 sales,  and this year, I hope to increase that to 5. So, with that in mind, and the weather starting to get back to the warmer temperatures that we all love, I am announcing that on Saturday, May 16th, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., my partner and I will be selling over 20,000 78’s, and about an equal amount of 45’s.  The sale will be conducted at my residence in Brampton, Ontario. If you wish further details, regarding the exact address, or directions, please message me at:, and I will be happy to respond. In the meantime, let’s look back to last year’s event photograph’s, as posted below.


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Record Dealer Business Running Full Force

Posted in The Collector's Hunt for 78's with tags on August 19, 2014 by the78rpmrecordspins

First, I must apologize to you loyal followers for a long break between articles. With the purchase of several 78 RPM and 45 RPM record collections and two sales in July and August, life has been hectic to say the least. It is a wonderful feeling to meet new people and to listen to what they collect. I recently had a gentleman travel all the way from the state of Missouri to purchase all the 16 inch radio transcription discs from me on August 16th. Our final sale will take place on Saturday, September 13th, at which point most of the remaining records from Steve Barr’s collection will be on sale.


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From The July 5th 78 RPM And 45 RPM Record Event!

Posted in The Collector's Hunt for 78's, Upcoming Phonograph and Record Shows with tags , on July 11, 2014 by the78rpmrecordspins

Here are some photographs from the sale on July 5th, which, by the way, was a huge success! The next event date is Saturday, August 16th. Details for this will be posted shortly, or if you have a Facebook account, you may go to the link below for more details.


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A Record Shack Is The Perfect Man Cave For The Summer Months Part Two

Posted in Records in Canada, Upcoming Phonograph and Record Shows with tags , , , on June 20, 2014 by the78rpmrecordspins

Still loading a ton of 78’s into the shed for my big sale on July 5th in Brampton, Ontario. Most of it is ready to go, so here are some updated photographs I would like to share with you.


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A Record Shack Is The Perfect Man Cave For The Summer Months

Posted in General Announcements, Interviews and Articles, The Collector's Hunt for 78's with tags , , on June 15, 2014 by the78rpmrecordspins

On May 12th I previously published my invitation to you to attend my record sale on Saturday, July 5th, at my residence. Due to the large amount of 78’s, 45’s and radio station transcription discs, plus many other items, I decided to have a shed built in the backyard, to double as my man cave and storage unit for all records I will be selling. After a week of laying down patio stones, and construction of the shed, it was finished yesterday. Today, I started to load the shed with records and a turntable for previewing the records. Here are some photographs of the shed, and the records that I have put in it, so far.


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Attention Canadian And American Record Collector’s-July 5th Is Ontario’s Largest 78 RPM And 45 RPM Garage Sale Event

Posted in The Collector's Hunt for 78's with tags , , on May 12, 2014 by the78rpmrecordspins

On Saturday, July 5th, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. I will be hosting a sale of over 2000 78 RPM records, along with my partner, Norine, who will be selling over 5000 45 RPM records, for the fantastic price of: 4 for a $1.00. If you purchase 500 or more, you can speak to me about a better deal. For more information, you can follow the two links below, one on Kijiji, and the other on Facebook:


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