Recent 78 RPM Record Findings

In a previous post I may have mentioned that a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit a pack rat of records who had 47 boxes of records for me to inspect, unseen by anyone before. He was an hour and a half away from me by car, north of Peterborough, Ontario. I brought home 36 boxes of single records and binders and the back of the Jeep looked a it was moving day.

I had a huge task ahead of me when I got home, unloading the records, and sorting through the 2000 or more 78’s to see what I wanted to keep and sell off the rest. The second day of looking through the records was when I found a few gems, but the most important finding, in my opinion, was a copy of Jack Teagarden’s second recording with his own orchestra, from October 1, 1930. “You’re Simply Delish” is a cheery tune, backed by Eddie Gale on vocals, with Charlie Spivak and Tommy Thunen-trumpet, Jack Teagarden, trombone, Gil Rodin and Matty Matlock-clarinet and alto sax, to name a few of the musicians that were in the session. Rust lists takes 1,2,3 under matrix 10102.

To add more excitement, the recording was on a Canadian Compo Crown label, number 81497, under the name “Imperial Dance Orchestra”. The Crown has take 3 on it, which shows up on its American counterparts.  Even more good news was that this record had never been found before on Crown, only on Apex, another Canadian Compo label. 

Crown 81497  Imperial Dance Ochestra

chinese 056

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